Winter Scene

This pattern was posted on Embroidered Journal of IsaHV in October 2005.  It’s one of those timeless stitcheries. If you like it just go here and see how it’s been done two different ways and pick one of your choosing.


Thank you for stopping by.  Have a safe and warm weekend.





I found this ‘Charity Never Faileth’ sampler on Bountiful Heirlooms.

Charity Never Faileth

Just follow this link to get the PDF download.  She also lists the DMC to Weeks Dye Works floss conversion if you want. I really like this and hope to find time to work it up.  Go have a look for yourself and see it in a much larger view.

Thanks for stopping by.


Remember Me Sampler

This is a good-sized sampler from Interweave: Cross Stitch. Their sample was worked on Zweigart Belfast, 32-count 100% linen fabric, 15 x 15 inches. The finished size is 7 X 9 inches. What a nice gift for someone special. They give  you two charts, one for the sampler and one for the alphabet and numbers.


Remember to update the year under the center heart.

Thanks for stopping by.
